Thursday, April 26, 2007

New look

what do u think of my blog's new look. Isn't it puuurtier like this? pink is so much cooler that whatever colour I had before eh?

I was inspired by the pink on Dima's blog. I am too much of a girly girl to have a blog that does not have pink in it.

Ok 3an jad I am off the computer, damned face book, and baby center and blogs. I gotta go get dinner ready and take the kids to to the park.


7aki Fadi said...

Love it!

Qabbani said...


girly :)

Sam said...

7aki and mqabbani thanks:) heek acwat sa7?

and life goes on... said...

ohhhhhhhh it's so cute! I LOVE IT! :D isnt it refreshing.. i mean how can one not have a pink blog :$ i'd change anything in mine but definitely not the color. that would be so hard .. no way! :$

Sam said...

Dima yeh thanks for the blog does not look boring anymore:) i always loved how your blog looks in pink, so i geret and now i have a pink blog rocks!

and life goes on... said...


Me said...

Sam, i had this color blog when i first started but i changed suites you though!
i would like you to know that finally i answered your tag!!!
have a great day!

Anonymous said...

very cute :)

Anonymous said...

Cute, I liked it :)

7aki Fadi said...

Very very cute indeed :), better than the green and grey you had, haik did not have any pizzazz.