My baby is turning six next month....he has been lying about his age for six months now!! Isn’t it too early to start lying about your age at 5.5yo??
Last year we had a party for him at fun factory in Saskatoon, but only few people came! I had no idea that Remembrance Day is a holiday in Saskatchewan! It is a normal day in Ontario, and since it was the last long weekend during what is supposedly good weather on the year everyone was going away to Calgary, Edmonton and other neighbouring cities to visit family... to top it off Ziad was constipated on that day, the first time he ever gets constipated so he could not even enjoy his time with the four friends that did make it.
This year Ziad is upset and going through a hard time, he is not doing well at school, as I expected but my annoyingly stubborn husband would not acknowledge. But I think he is finally convicted that putting Ziad in a mostly Arabic school, with kids that have had exposure to the language for the past 3 year is not fair for him, so hopefully they will allow him to go into KG2 where the kids are supposed to write and have dictations with words simpler word than bostani and madrasiti in Arabic. He is only two months older than the oldest kid in KG2...but he is 10months younger than the oldest kid in grade one. So he may be more comfortable with KG2 kids than with grade one kids, especially that they are way ahead of him in Arabic...he is still learning his alph ba’ and they are way past that point, so I want to do something fun for him...
Ok back to the birthday party thing...I think I want to have a birthday party for him somewhere...but I don’t know what places I can have it at...
I know it is not fair for Bilal, since his last three bday were not really celebrated. His first we were in Edmonton so we just had cupcakes and sang happy bday...for his second bday we were in Toronto so we got to have a nice party at my parent’s backyard so that was ok, but his last bday was on July 20, so just before we left for Amman and I was too busy doing this and that and getting ready for our move here....the only thing that makes it ok is that he is too young to care now at 3. Although he does love singing happy bday to you and would start singing any time he sees a lit candle...hint hint to me??
I promise that I will have a nice bday party for him next year; I guess having a summer bday is not that much fun after all! People are too busy and away in the summer! But it is better than my birthday, in middle of January is bad, and it never fails Allah always sends me a snow storm on my bday! One year I decided I do not care, I am not staying home even with a snow storm...hubby, my then fiancé had a surprise for me in Mississauga and no snow storm was going to let me miss it! Haha...I did miss it because just few miles on the highway my car skidded my daddy’s car was ruined and I came out with some scratches and bruises...while I was in the middle of my car was skidding un controllably all I could see is what could be written on gravestone...born January 15, 1976 died on January 15, 1997. Ok so as you see I did not die, I was lucky that there were no cars on either side me, and my car stopped in the middle divider of the highway facing the opposite way after turning few times...and did not keep on going to the other side...but ever since my back has not been the same and I still petrified of driving on the snow...I do not make any plans for my birthday anymore not that I want to, who wants to celebrate being so old?? I do not even plan on going anywhere not even to work... my old boss knew about my birthday curse so I always got the day off for my birthday...I wonder if there will be a snow storm on my bday in Amman this year?
Last year we had a party for him at fun factory in Saskatoon, but only few people came! I had no idea that Remembrance Day is a holiday in Saskatchewan! It is a normal day in Ontario, and since it was the last long weekend during what is supposedly good weather on the year everyone was going away to Calgary, Edmonton and other neighbouring cities to visit family... to top it off Ziad was constipated on that day, the first time he ever gets constipated so he could not even enjoy his time with the four friends that did make it.
This year Ziad is upset and going through a hard time, he is not doing well at school, as I expected but my annoyingly stubborn husband would not acknowledge. But I think he is finally convicted that putting Ziad in a mostly Arabic school, with kids that have had exposure to the language for the past 3 year is not fair for him, so hopefully they will allow him to go into KG2 where the kids are supposed to write and have dictations with words simpler word than bostani and madrasiti in Arabic. He is only two months older than the oldest kid in KG2...but he is 10months younger than the oldest kid in grade one. So he may be more comfortable with KG2 kids than with grade one kids, especially that they are way ahead of him in Arabic...he is still learning his alph ba’ and they are way past that point, so I want to do something fun for him...
Ok back to the birthday party thing...I think I want to have a birthday party for him somewhere...but I don’t know what places I can have it at...
I know it is not fair for Bilal, since his last three bday were not really celebrated. His first we were in Edmonton so we just had cupcakes and sang happy bday...for his second bday we were in Toronto so we got to have a nice party at my parent’s backyard so that was ok, but his last bday was on July 20, so just before we left for Amman and I was too busy doing this and that and getting ready for our move here....the only thing that makes it ok is that he is too young to care now at 3. Although he does love singing happy bday to you and would start singing any time he sees a lit candle...hint hint to me??
I promise that I will have a nice bday party for him next year; I guess having a summer bday is not that much fun after all! People are too busy and away in the summer! But it is better than my birthday, in middle of January is bad, and it never fails Allah always sends me a snow storm on my bday! One year I decided I do not care, I am not staying home even with a snow storm...hubby, my then fiancé had a surprise for me in Mississauga and no snow storm was going to let me miss it! Haha...I did miss it because just few miles on the highway my car skidded my daddy’s car was ruined and I came out with some scratches and bruises...while I was in the middle of my car was skidding un controllably all I could see is what could be written on gravestone...born January 15, 1976 died on January 15, 1997. Ok so as you see I did not die, I was lucky that there were no cars on either side me, and my car stopped in the middle divider of the highway facing the opposite way after turning few times...and did not keep on going to the other side...but ever since my back has not been the same and I still petrified of driving on the snow...I do not make any plans for my birthday anymore not that I want to, who wants to celebrate being so old?? I do not even plan on going anywhere not even to work... my old boss knew about my birthday curse so I always got the day off for my birthday...I wonder if there will be a snow storm on my bday in Amman this year?
Happy Birthday for Ziad! I think what kids tend to remember the gifts and friends more than the location, food, and decorations which we over-think. I know it's extremely unoriginal of me but kids tend to find McDonalds a fun place and they do do parties there if you want to look into it.
And holiday or not, 99% of his friends will probably show up so brace yourself :)
lol @ the constipation
I always felt that birthdays in summer are the best coz all the expats would come to jordan for vacation and families get together more often than in winter.
and I thought my birthday was the worst. My birthday is in end of MAY which is end of uni semester or at end of school year. so I always end up spending my birthday either doing a FINAL exam, or STUDYING for a final exam.
Happy birthday for Ziad :)
Just I was thinking wallahi how I'll celebrate my next birthday (Feb.) still too early I know:), but I love parties to have fun with friends..I decided to have a nice party since now.
As anonymous suggested, most kids like Mcdonalds or kFC..maybe Mack magic (entertainment city for kids in airport road ) also is a cozy place but maybe it's cold at night these days.
happy birthday to your kids.. my birthday is getting closer :) i am so excited..
I don't think the weather here will be to bad.. even if it snowed here it wouldnt be so bad.. Snow isn't more than 2 cm long.. hehe
Happy birthday for Ziad, enshalla you'll make a good party for him,
It seems that his performance at school is making you worried, i think it should be ok, he is still young and he will catch up fast.
anon thanks for the suggestion..i will check mcdonald's out.:)
jundi...yeh one day he will think it is funny too..it is all in his baby book...one day he will love me or hate me for that book..haha..
hamza...see it is ok when u come here every summer..but some years in canada everyone decides to leave and u r left all alone because u r broke, busy blah blah blah..so summer bday are not too great..but they sure do beat a january bday in canad:)
manal...yeh parties are fun...i have not had since my 16th bday when no one came to my party due to an annoying blizzard...cant wait to hear all about your party in feb:)
amal..im not sure about that ..it is a curse..the bad weather will follow me..although when i was born it was a nice sunny day in lebanon...
sel3...thanks,yeh inshallah he will be alright:) but u know mothers...it is our job to worry about every single thing..it sucks being a parent..
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