Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Too much Rambling here..

We are leaving Amman on Feb 01, I am sad about leaving so soon, I have grown to love it here. I am not even minding the taxis, the indoor cold and the annoying guys.

I am not looking forward to our flight home! We go from Amman to Abu Dhabi, then a 14hr flight to Toronto. OMG! I booked a hotel at Abu Dhabi airport, but I am having a hard time justifying spending $140 for less than five hrs! We get to Abu Dhabi at 9 pm, and leave at 2:00 am. I will try very hard not let the kids sleep until we board the plane from AD to TO...hopefully they will take a nap on the plane from Amman to AD so they can stay up late...... I AM NEVER TRAVELING THIS ROUTE AGAIN!

My baby is sick, I feel so bad because I let him go to school today. He was fine in the morning, but when he got off the bus he had a fever and was sleepy...he will be missing a trip to dream park tomorrow...:(

Ziad stayed home because he missed the bus today... it is so annoying how they left so fast, they were few minutes earlier than usual. Bilal's bus is so much better, they never leave without calling...

I have finished Eid shopping, I got clothes and presents for the kids, they were all educational toys, in Arabic, I still want to buy one more toy, maybe we will go to the mall on the weekend...hmmm maybe not, I will go alone on Sunday.

I need to buy a pair of black pants, but I am having the worst luck finding the right ones. I really hate pants shopping! I did buy a cute black turtle neck sweater from mango (what a funny name) to go with the black pants I am planning on I am happy about that.

Spring shoes (formally transit) do not have boots yet in Amman! I left Canada on august 01, and they already had a good selection of boots on display in the stores. I need to buy a pair of black boots and a pair of knee high boots to go with my skirt, sheesh! Hurry up already!

I think I am getting sick, I should start taking cold FX, hopefully it will work its magic and I will not end up getting the kid’s cold!

I have been going to the gym once a week these past three weeks! How horrible is that?? Something always comes up preventing me from going...*sigh* I am so going to be fat :’(

I bought a cute pair of pink socks. They are so warm feet love them!

Ziad loves Barney! He told me that this morning, he thinks Barney teaches us good thing...*screaming*

Hubby is coming in two weeks, yippy...


and life goes on... said...

I think it happens anywhere and everytime you have to leave one place and go live in another, you'd get to love it. Especially when you don't have any choice. And God how much I hate saying goodbye :S It'll be easier I guess now that your hubby will be joining soon.. :)

Me said...

The best part of your post is the last part...hope your husband gets to Amman safe and sound..Salamet your son, i hope he feels better.
Glad you can shop in Amman, i got so accustomed to shopping in the states i do not how to shop anywhere else!!

Maioush said...

so that's it, you are going back to Canada? yalla inshalla things are gonna be ok for you guys

and your hubby is spending Eid with you guys, that's great :)
happy eid to you and your family Sam :)

Maher said...

Oh dear! you guys leaving??!!

look at the bright side though, you'll be spending the days with your hubby again . :)

Unknown said...

khalas? nawaito?!
I wish you all the luck in whatever you're doing:)
It's hard to keep moving from one place to another, but I'm sure this trip to amman added a lot to your kids life, and to yours as well!
Enjoy the rest of it...

Sam said...

dima yeh im sad about the goodbyes...i've made some nice friends here..:(

summer thank u:) and no i still can not shop in is hard..

maioush no hubby wont be here for cost 3x as much he is coming a week after eid..:( but it is ok...we plan on staying home for gets ridicelously (sp? too busy to check) on eid day here...

maher yeh we are leaving...bas ya3ni not 100% sure..hubby is having a hard time without us...and ziad is whining about going back pretty happy here and would rather stay until the summer

nido yeh inshallah bas not is hard..especially on the kids...but it has been a fun experience alhamdoullah:)

MommaBean said...

NOOOOOOOOOO! Not so soon. You can't leave yet! We won't allow it. We'll stage a blogger coup and kidnap the three of you to keep you here! Okay, maybe that's a tad melodramatic, but we will miss you. Let's see you lots between now and then.

Qabbani said...

OOH :(

u going before eeet u :( m sad

wish u the best :)

Amjad Wadi said...

Welcome back home ... and be ready for a harsh winter is expected to be one of the worst in 79 years. We got 40 cms on 1 day of dec.

You are very right .. the indoor cold sucks there

my roommate flew the same 14 hours trip to abudabi .. and i had to drop him in paterson airport while coming back from niagra last may .. you just reminded me of that :-)

salam said...

so soon? I was wondering what did you decide on eventually!! Good luck!!

Led Zeppelin said...

Good to know the whole family is being reunited again..

Ur just being confused right me u'll be more than happy watching Amman terrain fading away from ur jet window.

The shopping details of ur post got me sleepy...I'm sure it won't have the same effect on ur husband.

Sam said...

mamabean..yeh i know so soon..and we only got to get together twice..we should get together with the kids soon..:)

Qabbani...thank u:)

bos6ar..well it is not too is only -2 in toronto..but yeh lots of snow..what's up with that...i'll take the outdoor cold as apposed to the indoor cold anytime...i mean im only outside for what 30min? and inside for 23.5hrs a day..but the snow..hmmmmmmmmmm...

salam..thank u:)

mr anon not so soon...we may be in toronto for few months before hubby joins us for good..yeh well..i hope u had a pillow around while reading my shopping time i talk about girly stuff i'll put a warning for u so u can grap your pillow...

Sel3 said...

I don't know what is special about Amman that we love it, it is cold indoors and cold outdoors with no snow shopping there is also tough.

but good luck with every thing.

Hamza said...

I hope the kids won't give you a tough time and resisitence on moving back to Canada. :(

Jundi said...

msahhaleh :)

Sam said...

sel3 i know eh?? :o)

hamza bilal could careless where we are...and ziad has had enough of amman..and wants to go back to canada no problems there..:)

jundi thanks:) i had to read it few times to know what u said:)

Amjad Wadi said...

hey .. we just had another 40 cms of snow last two days .. more to come :-)

Sam said...

bos6tar i know i have toronto's weather on my desktop...u know so im always i have to find someone to clear the snow..but it is suppsed to be +8 and raining on the maybe it will be all kids miss the snow 'al..haha..not me...nay nay nay naaaay nay