Thursday, August 14, 2008

a sad goodbye..

It is official...after almost 19wks of being pregnant I have to say goodbye to my prepregnancy jeans!! They no longer button up comfortably over my expanding belly!!

Goodbye dear jeans , and other pants holding a size 6 and 4 tags....I hope to wear you shortly after January...Maybe...just maybe we will be together again by March or April or maybe june of later....I promise!! For now I will hang you in the back of my closet to make room for my not as nice but comfy maternity long!! I will miss you! *sniff, sniff*


Diana said...

I can't fit into my old jeans yet, I wonder when am I going to get back into shape!

asoom said...

You know what, you get NO sympathy from me!!!!

Size 4 is my goal size and I'm not even pregnant, nor was I ever! Just joking :) I'm happy for you that pregnancy is going well for you and I'm confident you'll fit back into those in no time.

Anonymous said...

*waves goodbye*

Maher said...

there is pregnancy jeans? Wow! ladies have too many issues lol

MommaBean said...

You know, no matter how cute pregnancy clothes may be, they're never quite the same are they... Here's wishing you the ability to go home in your pre-pregnancy jeans from the hospital :)!

MommaBean said...

You know, no matter how cute pregnancy clothes may be, they're never quite the same are they... Here's wishing you the ability to go home in your pre-pregnancy jeans from the hospital :)!

Sam said...

diana...ah it is still early...i didnt fit into my clothes after my kids until after 6mo..but not this time! Inshallah of course..

asoom thank u...well i worked hard to be in size 4's...even before having kids after getting married i gained so much weight..and was in size 10-14...and now i will do it all over again..well it is actually fun to lose weight..when u do see progress...ah heck what am saying...this time i am trying not to gain much weight so i dont have to struggle..

batoul *sniff* *sniff*

maher u have lived this long and u dont know about maternity jeans..what do u think women wear when their bellies are few feet in front of them??

mama bean..going home in my prepregnancy jeans..that is too much to hope i am just praying for then fitting few months after...after having ziad i actually took my prepreg pants to the hospital to wear after leaving...LOL ...ah the stupidty of FTM...:o)