Tuesday, May 13, 2008

a blah blah post...one of many..

Yesterday I made it to the gym for the first time in three weeks, it felt great to be working out again! I was feeling queasy when I left my house but after 35min of cardio my queasiness was ok! I did feel like gagging every time I drank some water! I was a bit paranoid when doing weight training and opted for using some free weights using 3 lb dumbells! I know I know too light....but better safe than sorry right at this stage...the baby is only the size of a sesame seed..so I gotta be careful! I do not know how something this tiny can turn a body upside down!

Yesterday I went shopping...since I am starting this pregnancy with my jeans already fitting right on, I do not have much room for growth (I could shoot myself for procrastinating and not hitting the gym earlier and for eating like a horse)...I bought some shirts that look like maternity clothes but are not...it is so great how those maternity style tops are in style, it saves me a ton of money for now at least!

Spring is finally back...I have to start my gardening! I have the browniest thumb in the world...I do not even know where to start...I am never ever buying a brand new house! Next time I buy a house it will have a garden that I just have to water! I am waiting for hubby to dig out the grass and get the top soil and start planting some shrubs and flowers so our poor house has something to make it look pretty on the outside..but hubby is a lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I know I can do it myself..but like I said I do not know where to start!

Ok no more procrastinating...I am off to the gym now before child minding closes for the morning...


KittySigurdardottir. said...

I'll pass on the advise my mother-in-law gave me for morning sickness that I had with my pregnancy of my first baby:Keep soda crackers on the table by your bed and eat them ,chewing them and swallowing slowly,them,the first thing in the morning.Also have some ginger ale on your bedstand and slowly drink it,too.I followed it to the T, and it helped me with morning sickness.I was so grateful for my wonderful mother-in-in-law.

Unknown said...

it's really good u started going to the gym :) hope you'll get to go there as much as you can...
Allah yi2awmik bissalameh Sam :D

KJ said...

shaklo it is gym season across the blogosphere :D

Mrs. Al Ramahi said...

the best part is that you started working out! i heard it's good when you're pregnant..